Monday, October 14, 2013



My favorite season is autumn. There are some reasons.

First, autumn is the most comfortable season for me! I dislike weather that is too hot or too cold. Moreover, I like sports. This season is suitable for playing sports. I like a sports day, but it is sad for me that a sports day isn’t held from a university.


Second, there are many delicious foods! The chestnut rice which my mother makes superb. Fruits such as a pear or Pacific saury is also the seasonal foods.




Third, I can watch colored leaves. There are a lot of spots for watching colored leaves. In Arashiyama, Kyoto, you can watch the amazing colored leaves.
I think autunn is perfect season to enjoy!!!


  1. I think autumn is perfect season to enjoy!!!

  2. I'd like to eat a chestnut rice with you and your mother :)

  3. I want to go Arashiyama to watch the colored leaves. Please take me!!!

  4. That last picture is stunning! I think the best place to see colorful leaves in Canada is in Ontario/Quebec because they have more maple trees, which are usually red and orange.

    I dislike weather that is too hot or too cold.

    The chestnut rice which my mother makes is superb.
