Sunday, October 20, 2013


If I win $10 million in a lottery, I want to spend it in various ways.

I like going shopping, so I want to buy many many many clothes, shoes, accessories, bags, cosmetics and so on. I want to buy them without looking at a price tag, and hold an armful of shoppers.


I want to travel various countries such as the United States, Germany, Spain, Korea, Italy, Hawaii, Singapore, and so on. I want to watch a world cultural heritage.





I went to Cambodia to volunteer last year, and I want to support Cambodians, especially an orphanage’s children, so I want to contribute to them. I love them. I want  to meet again.




  1. I think was a nice gesture of you to go to Cambodia and help these children. The picture's children it's so cute.

  2. It's great that you volunteered in Cambodia to help out less fortunate people! They would definitely benefit from any time or money that people could donate.

    If I win $10 million in a lottery, I want to spend it in various ways.

    I went to Cambodia to volunteer last year. I want to support Cambodians, especially an orphanage’s children, so I want to contribute to them.
