Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Favorite Way to Travel

My favorite way to travel is airplane, because airplane is the most comfortable way.

I went to Vancouver with my friends this weekend. We took a bus. It took about 15 hours. It was very very very tired for me. A man sat down on my next seat. He was not kind, and his body was huge and sweaty. I couldn’t stand them. I came to have a pain in my waist and neck.

If I take a airplane, I have a good time. I can move in short time.pre I can watch a movie. I can eat an in-fright meal. I can use a clean restroom.

Therefore I prefer to travel with an airport than a bus, but bus is very cheap.

If I have much money, I’ll certainly choose an airport.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a long ride to Vancouver! I once took a bus from Takamatsu to Tokyo in Japan, and it wasn't very comfortable. I definitely prefer to travel by plane.

    It was very very very tiring for me.

    If I take an airplane, I can have a good time.
