Monday, November 4, 2013

Calgary is a safety city

I think Calgary is safer than my hometown, Kobe.

Calgary people are very kind. If I want to cross the street, a car certainly stops.

In Japan we can’t see this scene very much.


I think we can spend safely in Calgary unless we approach a back alley, a hangout of a drug addiction and so on.


However, I think sometimes Calgary is more dangerous than Kobe, because my friend’s coat was stolen. A month ago, I and my fried went to Chinook Center, and we took a rest at food court, and we left the there. After 10 minutes, my friend realized forgot his coat, and we returned there, but his coat was gone. Moreover, he pocketed his iPod in his coat.


In Calgary, I experienced the following a scene twice.

I was spoken to some person. She said “Can you change money?” If I said “Yes,” and I took out my wallet from my bag,

Therefore, I think sometimes Calgary is dangerous.


  1. You're right about the traffic in Calgary. I think it's great that drivers stop for pedestrians here; that's not the case in many countries!

    I think we can be safe in Calgary unless we approach a back alley, a hangout for drug addicts, and so on.

    A month ago, my friend and I went to Chinook Centre; we took a rest at the food court, and then left.

  2. That picture is so cute. I agree with you. I also experienced a similar situation.
