Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Love Actually

I enjoyed Love actually. There are a lot of great love stories in this book, so I was exciting.
I have many favorite scenes and characters.

For example, I kike Sam. The scene on which Sam ran after Joanna at an airport was impressed. Moreover, the scene as which Daniel and Sam watched Titanic was heartwarming.
In addition, I like the scene where Sarah showed Karl into her house. She said to him “Would you excuse me one second?” And she went outside, screamed silently, and jumped up and down with excitement. If you are a girl, you will understand this feeling. Sarah is so cute♡♡♡

I recommend this book for other ESL students and watch this movie after read a book. Furthermore, I think that it is better to read again after watch the movie.
I want to watch and read this book again.

Monday, November 25, 2013


My favorite game is Mario cart.
It is famous all over the world. It is so exciting, and makes me laugh.
When I was a child, I played Mario Cart at Play Station 3.
After came to Calgary, I play Mario Cart at Wii at my friend’s house.
I have one more my favorite game.


It is Sangokumusou. English name is Dynasty Warriors.
This game is fighting game. When I was a child, my friend introduced me about this game, played this game together. And then I was interested in this game. If I have a lot of stress, I play this game and chose the strongest character because I can reduce my stress.
Now I sometimes play game, but I play game at my cellphone such as SIMS.

Monday, November 18, 2013


If my friend comes to Calgary, I will give my friend a lot of advice. I will say as follows.



                                                                                     At first, you should bring a warm coat. Calgary is tooooooo cold. We need a coat. Moreover, you should bring warm boots, a heattech, gloves, a scarf and knit hat.

Second, you should go to Banff. We can see an unparalleled view from Banff. If you like skiing or snowboarding, you can enjoy it at there.


Third, you should eat Canadian delicious foods. I've discovered a lot of delicious foods in Calgary, for example, chicken wings, sausages, macaroni & cheese, cookies and maple syrup. However, I grew fat after I came to Calgary, so you should take care about overeating.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Favorite Way to Travel

My favorite way to travel is airplane, because airplane is the most comfortable way.

I went to Vancouver with my friends this weekend. We took a bus. It took about 15 hours. It was very very very tired for me. A man sat down on my next seat. He was not kind, and his body was huge and sweaty. I couldn’t stand them. I came to have a pain in my waist and neck.

If I take a airplane, I have a good time. I can move in short time.pre I can watch a movie. I can eat an in-fright meal. I can use a clean restroom.

Therefore I prefer to travel with an airport than a bus, but bus is very cheap.

If I have much money, I’ll certainly choose an airport.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Calgary is a safety city

I think Calgary is safer than my hometown, Kobe.

Calgary people are very kind. If I want to cross the street, a car certainly stops.

In Japan we can’t see this scene very much.


I think we can spend safely in Calgary unless we approach a back alley, a hangout of a drug addiction and so on.


However, I think sometimes Calgary is more dangerous than Kobe, because my friend’s coat was stolen. A month ago, I and my fried went to Chinook Center, and we took a rest at food court, and we left the there. After 10 minutes, my friend realized forgot his coat, and we returned there, but his coat was gone. Moreover, he pocketed his iPod in his coat.


In Calgary, I experienced the following a scene twice.

I was spoken to some person. She said “Can you change money?” If I said “Yes,” and I took out my wallet from my bag,

Therefore, I think sometimes Calgary is dangerous.

Monday, October 28, 2013

My Favorite Event

I love events such as Christmas, the New Year, Valentine’s Day, summer festival, fireworks display, flower viewing, sports day, Halloween and so on.
I especially like Halloween!!!!
Speaking of Halloween, disguise!!!!

Last Friday I went to ESL’s Halloween party, and I disguised.
My friend and I wore matching costumes. My costume was the policeman!
I had a gun and handcuff. I drew the cobweb in my face, and my friend drew blood like a zombie in her face. I said “I arrest you” many times.
I drank some beer, and took a lot of pictures with ESL’s member.


In addition, I helped my friend to dress as a woman. I made him up. It was very very fun!! He was soooo cute maybe. hahahahaha

I really enjoyed Halloween Party!!!

Happy Halloween♡♡♡

Sunday, October 20, 2013


If I win $10 million in a lottery, I want to spend it in various ways.

I like going shopping, so I want to buy many many many clothes, shoes, accessories, bags, cosmetics and so on. I want to buy them without looking at a price tag, and hold an armful of shoppers.


I want to travel various countries such as the United States, Germany, Spain, Korea, Italy, Hawaii, Singapore, and so on. I want to watch a world cultural heritage.





I went to Cambodia to volunteer last year, and I want to support Cambodians, especially an orphanage’s children, so I want to contribute to them. I love them. I want  to meet again.



Monday, October 14, 2013



My favorite season is autumn. There are some reasons.

First, autumn is the most comfortable season for me! I dislike weather that is too hot or too cold. Moreover, I like sports. This season is suitable for playing sports. I like a sports day, but it is sad for me that a sports day isn’t held from a university.


Second, there are many delicious foods! The chestnut rice which my mother makes superb. Fruits such as a pear or Pacific saury is also the seasonal foods.




Third, I can watch colored leaves. There are a lot of spots for watching colored leaves. In Arashiyama, Kyoto, you can watch the amazing colored leaves.
I think autunn is perfect season to enjoy!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Do you know Kobe? I live in Kobe. It has many appealing points.

There is very beautiful town. Especially the night view of Kobe is soooo beautiful that is it is called one million dollars. I recommend that you see the night view from Mt. Maya. How about going to see this night view with your precious person like boyfriend, girlfriend, friend and family?

Moreover there are many beautiful buildings. The Kitano area is  The Ijinkan area has Western-style houses, art museums, and so on. Especially the Starbucks coffee in there is famous.

If you come to Kobe, you can eat delicious food. There is Chinatown, Japanese say "Nankinmachi". In there we enjoy eating Chinese food such as a steamed yeast bun with minced pork filling.

Please come to Kobe by all means☺


Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Hello!!! I'm Erika. I'm from Japan, Kobe. I'm twenty-years old. I'm a student in my country, and my major is English, but I can't speak Engkish well. I'll do my best;-)

I like watching soccer game, playing basketball and listening to music. This picture is when I went to a music festival. It was very very fun!!!

In Calgary I want to make many friends, many happy memories, and be able to take communication.